Hunting in Romania - Red Deer

Hunting Red DEER in Romania Cerb lopatar Cerb lopatar


RED DEER (Cervus elaphus L.) 
 Hunting Season: 
- selection: [ 1 september - 15 december ]

- trophy: [ 10 september - 15 november ]
- hind + fawn: [ 1 september - 15 february ]

Hunting Method:
- fumbling hunting
- hunting at prowl
The optimal hunting season is in the „BONCANIT” period, when can we use a „calling-sound” imitating the sound of male; the Red Deer hunt starts early~early in the morning, around 4 am, you have to climb the mountain at night ... to be in the morning above, waiting for Red Deer to climb up ... in the very prime of the day, luring him from time to time with love sounds ...or calling to fight... the mastery imitating of the roar.
Personally, I consider that Shell~Triton is the professional choice in imitating the sounds the Red Deer; in general the man voice abounds with vocal sounds "oh, uh, ah", related, intoned, long or short, all amplified like in a wild sylvan concert genuine.
To hear at night in mountains how the forest resound with bellowing Red Deer - you're quakes emotions.


FALLOW DEER (Dama dama L.)
Hunting Season:
- selection: [ 1 september - 15 december ]
- trophy: [ 10 september - 1 december ]
- doe + fawn: [ 1 september - 15 february ]

Hunting Method:
The FALLOW DEER hunting is quite difficult because he is always moving and he's not keep his footpaths, always changing roads;
Very skittish, once feels/lives the panic never returns back in that/same area ...
The best hunting methods are on the prowl or approaching him on foot.
- hunting at prowl
- fumbling hunting
The optimal hunting season is in the rut period, when he comes out in glades or in the crop lands.


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Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania
Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania
Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania
Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania Hunting Red DEER in Romania

Request Price Offer for Hunting - Red/Fallow DEER (Cervus elaphus L. & Dama dama L.) - in Romania - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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